The Way of Equalia
When:  22nd Sept. 3-5pm and monthly for 6 months
Cost:  £10
Details:     At the Serpent Institute, Kentish Town, London. Contact for address and other details.
Learn about a new, yet ancient left wing Spirituality with Equality at it's heart. Includes daily Meditation practices based on the equalising rhythms of the breath. Attuning to nature's rhythms, having more equal relationships and working towards more equality in the world.
Goddessing as the Spirit in Matter
When:  October 11th. Private View 6-8pm
October 12-16 (Except Sat) 10-4pm
Cost:  Free
Details:     Burgh House, New End Sq.,NW5 1LT
Nearest tube Hampstead

My paintings are made to honour the Divine Feminine in her many forms. They express the abstract, Equalising flows of energy as well as more figurative images.
Equalising Rhythms - the spirit in matter
When:  25th. Sept. 2021
10.30. to 5.00.
Cost:  £45 and £30 concessions
Details:     This will now be held on line. For details go to the web site

We look at the impact of hierarchies on our lives in the context of 3 main crises facing humanity. The Climate Crisis, The Crisis of Meaning and the Crisis of Inequality. These interconnected issues will be explored in relation to the pandemic. The paradigm used is one of balancing by mother earth/gaia/equalia the long lost future goddess.
Equalian Paintings exhibition
When:  22nd Sept - 11th.Oct.
11 - 7 Daily

Private view 23rd.Sept. 6-8.30.
Cost:  Free
Details:     At Notting Hill Fine Art Gallery,153 Portobello Rd., W11 2DY
As part of the Notting Hill Visual Arts 2020 exhibition.
The paintings include 'Equalia regreening London' and 'Equalia recreating the world' replacing hierarchy and patriarchy with her divine rhythm of life.
Rhythm of Life Art Exhibition
When:  NOW. Many paintings are still for sale. Examples are on my 'about' page. Contact me on
Cost:  From £50 - £800
Details:     Rhythm of Life is inspired by African and Caribbean Spirits , Greek Mythology and the Streets of London.

Rhythm is the structure of structurelessness, the order in chaos, the flow between opposites...Yin and Yang, the Tao, Rhea goddessing within nature.
Evolution Revolution Radio Interview
When:  Thurs. Sept.18th. in the USA.
Details:     This American radio station is at the cutting edge of the evolution of human consciousness and social change. It provides a powerful ray of hope in these uncertain times.

I was interviewed about my new book 'Deep Equality' and the new ways of thinking/ paradigm shifts that it explores.

This interview is still online.
Initiation into the Mysteries of Kybele/Rhea/the flow
When:  Individual 7 sessions can be arranged any time. Public events will be put on this site as they come up.
Cost:  £25 - £50 for each session on a sliding scale.
Details:     This 7 stage initiation process is based on one of the best kept secrets of the ancient world. The Mysteries of Rhea/Kybele itook place in the Idean and Dikytian caves of Crete and Anatolia from at least as far back as 3,000 BC. They continuued into the Classical Greek period and Pythagorus was the most famous initiate. In those days science and mysticism were not so divided.
It is a mystic path helping people to attune to the flow of life itself. We see Rhea more as a rhythmic process within nature, than a ‘being’ to be worshipped. People can tune in directly, or through images, sounds or other techniques that will be taught on this course. Our focus is very much on trusting our OWN intuition rather than any authority. And ultimately our aim is to help re-balance the opposites that are so split in the WORLD SOUL. We can do this most effectively when we are as free as possible from our own inner splits and hierarchies.

The group is facilitated by Jocelyn Chaplin. Psychotherapist. writer, artist and low priestess of Rhea. For more information contact her on 0207 485 0264.